NVC Library Employee Resources

NVC Library Employee Resources

The library will continue to serve employees by providing online access to the digital collections/databases, online learning resources, and one-on-one remote assistance.

You can access these resources from the NVC Library homepage at https://www.alamo.edu/nvc/academics/library/ or by clicking the links below.

Chat or Zoom with us

Need help accessing a resource, ordering an item or scheduling a Zoom class session? You can Chat or Zoom with library staff! Click HERE to use the Chat box.

Employees can also email [email protected]

Online Databases

The library databases cover a variety of subjects and contain resources such as journal articles, newspapers, magazines, streaming video, art images, sculptures, music and much more! Click HERE to browse available databases.

Research Guides

Online guides are available for different classes and subjects. Each guide can be tailored to include only those resources relevant to your class or assignment. Click HERE to browse available guides.

We can also create a guide for you. Just contact the library!

Library Research Modules

The online modules cover a range of topics related to the research process and APA, MLA or Chicago style citations. Each one also comes with a quiz. After students complete each quiz they can email a certificate to their instructors. Click HERE to browse the library modules.

Library Orientation Course

The library orientation course can be found in the Canvas Commons by searching “NVC Library Orientation.”  Download the entire Course, or just a single module, into your Canvas shell. Each module has a quiz that can sync with your grade book.

Questions?  Contact the library at [email protected] or by clicking HERE.

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