NVC Grad Team Engages with Students

[image 1]In an effort to inform more students about getting their associate's degree, the NVC Graduation team has been visiting classes for the last several weeks educating students about graduation and answering questions.

A few of the items the Graduation team goes over, includes: 

  • Asking by a show of hands how many plan on graduating in the fall semester 2014, and how many in the spring 2015 semester. The team also provides the deadlines – Oct 31st (deadline for fall graduation) and March 21st (deadline for spring graduation).
  • Explaining how graduation is an overarching term. Under it, falls completion and commencement. 
  • Explaining how students must meet with an advisor to be awarded a degree and share with them the phone number (310-945-2976 and then text “Northwest”) for Q-Less and quickly cover how it works. 

[image 2] To have the Graduation team visit your class, email them at [email protected]

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