It’s that time again for the annual NVC Gives Back campaign. The 2022 goal is to increase NVC dollars raised by 4.5% to $55,222.00 and become a majority giving institution at 51% participation. Currently, NVC is at $12,538.00 and 11% participation.
By getting over 50%, NVC is sending a clear message to other organizations that the NVC family cares deeply about its students. During the campaign, the NVC Giving Back team has coordinated a variety of events.
- Bartlett Cooke General Contractors Endowed Scholarship
- NVC Business Student Organization Awards
- CPS Energy/Dr. Homer Guevara Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- NVC Business Council General Support
- Pamela Padgett Memorial Scholarship
- Robert G. Marbut Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- NVC Broadcast Media Program
- NVC Digital Media Student Program
- NVC Donald Huggins and James Stewart Digital Media Scholarship
To give, log into ACES and click on Employee Tab and then on the Employee Giving- Alamo Gives Back section and follow the prompts.
Also read the message from Alamo Colleges Chancellor Dr. Mike Flores about the district-wide Giving Back campaign.
As we kick-off our annual employee giving campaign, I want to thank all of you for answering the call to support our students and community. The Alamo Gives Back campaign has grown significantly in recent years, increasing our employee participation from 42% to 51% since 2018. As a majority-donor workplace, we are sending a clear message to other funders and local organizations that the Alamo Colleges District family cares deeply about the community we serve.
The financial impact you all have made in recent years has been tremendous, growing our overall employee giving from $213,000 in 2018 to our record-breaking result of $345,000 in 2022. As always, your gift makes an impact on someone’s life and livelihood, regardless of the amount. Even a one-time contribution of $5 can support students at one of our college advocacy centers with food, hygiene kits, or other personal items that ensure their essential needs are met so they can keep learning.
Because we recognize what it means to “give where we live,” your contribution has the power to change a life for someone locally, opening doors and creating opportunities.
Together, we can continue to support students reaching for their educational goals through AlamoPROMISE or Alamo Colleges Foundation scholarships and programs. In the 2021-2022 academic year, nearly $2 million in scholarships were awarded to our students, thanks in part to gifts from employees like you.
As a proud impact partner with United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County, our gifts can also help individuals and families who face challenges concerning employment, mental health, child care, K-12 learning and so much more. The Alamo Colleges District Student Helpline, funded through our United Way partnership, serves hundreds of students and community members each month, connecting them to vital services that support them and their families.
I am so proud of the leadership role our employees take in giving to our community and I’m confident that we will have another successful campaign this year. Thank you for caring about our community. Thank you for giving through Alamo Gives Back.
In service,
Dr. Mike Flores, Chancellor
Alamo Colleges District