NVC Employees Awarded for AlamoIdeas

[image 1] Three NVC employees were recognized at the last Alamo Colleges board meeting for their AlamoIdeas, the district's employee suggestion program.

Laura Lawrence of Distance Learning suggested standardizing building temperatures across the district. This will result in a first-year savings of $262,000.

Kori Schneider of Distance Learning suggested replacing the paper towels in bathroom with electric hand dryers. This will result in a first-year savings of $5,645.

For both the ideas, Facilities' staff will also benefit since they are considered “implementers.” Facilities' Christopher Bailey also benefitted from Sandra Gonzalez-Lamb's (St. Philip's College) idea of replacing landscaping with xeriscaping to save water. Sandra's ideas represented a first-year savings of $112,000.

[image 2]According to the program, the suggestor(s) of an implemented idea will be awarded 10 percent of the first year’s savings/revenue up to a maximum of $10,000 per suggestion. When an award is made to a team of suggestors, the award will be divided equally among all members of the team.

Laura donated a portion of her award to the Alamo Colleges Scholarship Foundation.

In fiscal year 2011, the program brought in about $76,000 in savings and the goal for fiscal 2013 is to achieve $500,000 in savings.

To suggest ideas, go here: http://share.alamo.edu/hrorgdev/SitePages/Alamo%20Ideas%20-%20Home.aspx 

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