NVC Community Math Grant Introducing App

Coming soon to an app store near you! The Northwest Vista College Community Math Grant will soon be publishing the Community Math app. This app will serve as a place to gather pre-service teachers where:

  • Announcements will be made about events relevant to the pre-service teachers
  • Pre-service teachers will be able to connect with one another through a directory
  • Stipend opportunities provided through the grant to gain teaching experience and improve math skills will be publicized
  • There will be a list of campus resources along with the resources’ information
  • There will be transfer information and a list of steps needed to become a teacher
  • And more!

The Community Math Grant team looks forward to the implementation of the app as it will pull together multiple avenues of the grant work and allow for dissemination of important information to pre-service teachers.

In 2018, NVC received a multi-million dollar grant from the U.S. Department of Education to help parents with their math skills so they can help their school-aged children and strengthen the math skills of college students at NVC and UTSA who want to be future teachers. To learn more about the grant, go here.

Contributed by Amanda Bartonek, M.S.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics

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