NVC Community Health Workers Tour SA Food Bank

Dr. Fernando Martinez and Guadalupe Cornejo of Northwest Vista College’s Community Health Worker (CHW) program, along with current and former students, recently attended the San Antonio Health Advisory Board Social Determinants of Health Symposium at the San Antonio Food Bank on Sept. 20.

NVC representatives joined in a discussion with several community organizations, health insurance and health care systems representatives to share ideas on how to best identify and address food insecurity, transportation, housing and social connectedness.

Students had the opportunity to engage and provide input on ideas on how CHWs can be part of the solution on addressing these identified social determinants of health. Students participated in a simulation that highlighted the barriers community members encounter while attempting to access community resources including social/human services and health care and the simulation also brought light into the systemic barriers health care workers and community organizations face in their efforts to deliver quality services. In addition, CHW students got to tour the San Antonio Food Bank and learned about the variety of programs it offers.

Contributed by Guadalupe Cornejo of Northwest Vista College Community Health Worker program

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