NVC Chosen in State Project

I’m honored to announce that NVC was chosen as one of nine partners to re-engineer math courses in the New Mathways Project, a Texas initiative to reform developmental math education.

This project is an a joint initiative of the Charles A. Dana Center, a research unit in the College of Natural Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin, and the Texas Association of Community Colleges. The nine colleges announced on Oct. 24 is the next phase of implementation of the New Mathways Project.

The program will enable students to succeed in the math needed for their majors and future careers. The project will help students earn college-­level math credit more quickly – an area that has traditionally hindered students in their college success. Thanks to Cindi Bluhm and Anna Harwin for their work on the project application.

The nine community colleges will serve as co-development partners, while the other 41 Texas community colleges will begin the implementation phase as either Active Learning or Capacity Building sites.

Community College NMP Co-development Sites:

Alamo Colleges – Northwest Vista College, San Antonio
Austin Community College, Austin
Brazosport College, Lake Jackson
El Paso Community College
Kilgore College
Lonestar College – Kingwood
Midland College
South Texas College, McAllen
Temple College

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