NVC welcomes the inclusion of an NVC Wildcats Alumni Board of Directors (BOD) for the 2022-2023 academic year.
The Board of Directors Main Goals Include:
- Leverage Alumni Talents and Resources to benefit NVC
- Endorse and Support the College’s Strategic Plan & Initiatives
- Raise money for Student Scholarships & Alumni Events
- Represent the Alumni Association at NVC events and encourage attendance from colleagues
- Identify, Cultivate, and Recruit Alumni to support areas such as student recruitment, enrollment, clubs & organizations, event programming, financial support, internship opportunities, and advocacy resources
Board of Directors Qualifications
- Have an NVC Diploma or Certificate
- Contribute at a minimum membership fee of $100.00
- Pass a background check by the ACD HR
- Have a desire and passion to serve in this leadership role
- Be in good standing with your profession
The Administration and operation of this Alumni shall be vested in a Board of Directors Consisting of the following Elected positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Historian
- Treasurer
- NVC Student Ambassador
- Directors-at-large up to 9
- NVC College President, NVC Director of Community Collaborations, or Designee
The application deadline is Tuesday, April 19, 2022, @ 5:00 pm.
Learn more at alamo.edu/nvc/alumni/bod