New Staff Council Officers

Congratulations to the newly-elected 2017-2018 NVC Staff Council officers!

President- Yalitza Guerra
Vice President- Sarah Dominguez
Secretary- Yolanda Owens
Treasurer- Alicia Baltazar
Parliamentarian- Mark Tovar
Historian- Amanda Gorrell

Committee Chairs:

Event Planning: Diane De La Garza (ex-officio, Advisory)
Fundraising Chair: Omar Chavira and Alice Martinez
EOM: Marsha Gonzales (and Yolanda Owens)
Scholarship: Michael Raso and Veronica Gonzalez
Safety/Planning: Dustyn Taylor and Lee White
PR-Communication-Data Analysis: Melissa Monroe-Young and Emily Marshall
(Ex-Officios Advisory): Dawna Upshaw and Roque Heredia

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