New La reVista Process

In the coming months, you will start to see a new change in the way La reVista is produced. Stories will now be posted in the NVC Employees Facebook page to make them more real time and a round up of stories from the Facebook page will appear weekly in La reVista.

In addition to this new format, we are looking for guest writers. For instance, Sabrina Carey, NVC coordinator of Events, often writes about environmental and green issues; and Lynne Dean, director of Institutional Advancement, writes many stories that pertain to her area and Community Development. We welcome any writers who would like to cover a certain topic or issue as it relates to NVC. The only parameters is we ask that you try to write on the topic weekly and keep it to 500 words or less. La reVista follows Associated Press style, so we typically edit for style, clarity and readability.

The Vista Blog will also be featured in La reVista and highlight student stories that will we posted to the NVC Facebook page which has a large student following. Instead of requiring students to write the stories, any person who wants to write about a special student or a student issue can contribute something for the blog. This way we can keep the student stories in the Vista Blog and employee stories (that students may not be concerned with) in La reVista.

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