New Art Space in Library

[image 1]Ever since we have moved into the new library space in 2008, the librarians have wanted to have an art installation on the large open wall here in the library (where the copiers are). We wanted the artwork to be vibrant and a reflection of the students and culture here on campus. So we thought it would be a great idea to collaborate with the people who know art best – the Fine Arts department!

Judy McMillan and I met with Paul Northway about our idea last year and he thought it would be great to have a permanent curated art display area in the library which could be changed out once or twice a year. The artwork will be that of NVC students, but at some point we might have visiting artists or faculty artwork displayed.

[image 2]Paul and Anthony Quintanilla designed the beautiful wood structure for the display area, making each of the 30 frames the size of a standard sketchbook/canvas that students would be using in their art studio and art appreciation classes.

On July 11, the paintings from two of Paul’s Art Appreciation classes were installed and we had a wonderful reception organized by Sabrina Carey for all the students and their families.

[image 3]“An art appreciation instructor only has a small window to make a lasting impact in a student’s educational journey,” said Paul of Fine Arts. “Creative problem-solving and visual analyses are essential skills to hone in today’s competitive job market. I believe the best way to talk about art is to get your hands dirty and make art.”

Art appreciation students during summer one created “pop art” self-portraits that will be displayed in the library until December.

By Renata Gibson, NVC Public Services Librarian

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