Nano Coordinator Accepted to International Program

NVC Nanotechnology Program Coordinator Bharathi Subramaniasiva was accepted to the nano@Illinois Research Experience for Teachers program. 

The six-week program is coordinated by the University of Illinois Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology and sponsored by the National Science Foundation. This summer research program gives attendees the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research under the guidance of internationally recognized leaders in nanotechnology research. 

Additionally, attendees engage in professional development workshops and create an instructional module based upon their summer research conducted. This module will be integrated in the nanotechnology curriculum at NVC and will be shared nationwide through nanotechnology hubs.

Each participant is included in four follow-up sessions in person or via videoconference to be held during the academic year. At these sessions, the participants report on the integration of their module into the classroom. This research collaboration will hopefully increase the visibility of the NVC Nanotechnology program and create new opportunities for NVC students.

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