In support of students in their education journey, NVC Math for Teachers faculty has been going above and beyond to create learning & teaching materials for students through the Canvas Online Learning Platform.
After months of hard work and dedication, the team has developed a suite of open resources for students who are registered in Math 1350 & 1351. With the availability of these open educational resources, students no longer need to purchase textbooks or MyMathLab access. This will save each student hundreds of dollars while receiving the same quality of education in NVC’s Math 1350 & 1351 courses.
Joy Qiaoying, chair of the NVC Math and Engineering team, said the “impact of these online open resources is profound. It not only supports students by providing for an affordable education at NVC, but also provides students a custom-designed curriculum that works best for them based on our years of teaching experiences.”
NVC’s Heidi Hunt said teaching pre-service teachers how to present mathematical ideas to elementary children is what’s done in Math 1350 and 1351. Faculty who teach this course have deeply developed instructional aids that model how pre-service teachers will be expected to teach in their future classrooms. Beginning Spring 2019, both of these courses will have all materials that students need available on canvas. This includes faculty-written homework sets, projects, foldables, and activities.
(Not pictured but are helping as well: JoAnne Jones and Rachelle Arizpe)

L to R: Heidi Hunt, Amanda Matocha, Mary Zocchi, and Ellen Manchester
Shirley Hunt