Managing Student Behavior

[image 1]Managing student behavior issues was the topic of discussion for the Friday Faculty Development session, which is held weekly in the Innovation Center in Manzanillo Hall.

Debi Gaitan and Jennifer Comedy-Holmes of Student Success along with staff of the Counseling Services team explained important terms, such as classroom management, academic integrity and non-academic discipline. They also addressed when to fill out a SOBI report and gave helpful examples of different behavioral situations.

For instance, classroom management should be outlined in the syllabus and instructors can remind students when they are rude, disruptive or exhibit bad decisions.

A Strategies of Behavioral Intervention or SOBI report should be filled out when a student is harmful to oneself or others or demonstrates illegal activity. A report also should be made when a student is showing ongoing disruptive behavior that might lead to something else. When filling out the report, employees have the option to choose categories the student falls in from academic and non-academic misconduct to concerning or threatening behavior.

[image 2]Adriana Cantu of Counseling Services said it's important to identify the cries of help from students. They can range from change in appearances, aggressive or bizarre behavior or being withdrawn. She added if you are unsure about reporting a student, you can contact her team for further advice.

The next faculty development session is on Friday at Feb. 15. To see a schedule of events, see the link: [file 1]

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