Increasing Enrollment is Top Priority for NVC

This week, currently enrolled students began priority summer registration. Next week, all students, including those new to Northwest Vista College, will be able to register for summer classes.

In 2018, we saw a 20 percent increase in summer enrollment from the previous year, when the Alamo Colleges District introduced the Summer Momentum Plan that grants students free summer credit hours for taking a specific number of credits within an academic year:

  • 18 credit hours taken during the year earns a student three free credits for the summer
  • 24 credit hours taken during the year earns a student six free summer credit hours

Although the Summer Momentum Plan provided a small bump in summer 2018 enrollment, NVC still experienced a decline in our fall 2018 and spring 2019 enrollment. In order to maintain our momentum in continuing to improve the quality of the student experience and our college, we need to see a sustained two percent enrollment increase average every year. Thus, we need everyone’s support and engagement in reversing the enrollment trend.

As we create a culture of Care, Achievement and Distinction as part of our new Strategic Plan, our primary role is to clear the path for students in enrollment, retention, success and completion.

The role of each college unit as well as an individual is to find your connection to building our enrollment by being our ambassadors, representatives and recruiters. We have a compelling story to tell about our college and the caring, compassionate and competent faculty and staff who are dedicated to seeing them succeed. Even if you are not directly involved in assisting students with the admission and registration process, there are many ways where each one of us can contribute to clearing the path to enrollment.

I urge you to find your personal connection. By doing so, you are creating a culture that cares about our students, helps them achieve their goals so they can pursue their distinct path towards success, however they define it. Thank you.

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