Higher Ed is an Appealing Target for Cyber Attacks

In an effort to educate the Northwest Vista College community about how they can help thwart off cyber attacks, the NVC IT & Communications team has integrated an information campaign that includes articles here and on NVC’s social media platforms. The goal is for Cyber Awareness to be a year-round campaign and not just in October for Cybersecurity Month.

Did you know that there’s been a 30% increase in the number of cyberattacks on educational institutions in July and August of 2020? Also during that same time, there’s been a 6.5% increase in attacks across all industries.

Higher education is a prime target for cyber attackers. The propensity of colleges to share openly and widely can make the institutions susceptible to attacks. Nearly three-quarters (74 percent) of ransomware attacks on higher ed institutions succeeded, according to Inside Higher ED.

Here’s an infographic on why higher education is so appealing and why it’s so important to be cautious on what you click on and what you are downloading.

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