Helping Students With Children

Students raising children or other dependents have many responsibilities. Whether they are a parent, guardian or caretaker, Northwest Vista recognizes the unique challenges students with children face as they pursue their educational and career goals.

Access to college doesn’t just mean academic help; NVC is committed to helping overcome hurdles that keep students from reaching their goals. As part of a district-wide commitment to student success and meeting the needs of students beyond the classroom, on-campus advocacy centers are available at all five Alamo Colleges.

Northwest Vista College partners with different organizations to provide services like job assistance, food security, clothing, childcare, utility assistance, and mental health counseling. While NVC doesn’t have onsite childcare, we offer students other services, such as designated spots on campus where they can study with children and peer parent groups to help navigate being a parent and student. 

To learn more, visit this new website created specifically for students who are also parents. Thank you to Marie Morgan of  NVC Student Life and Lisa McDaniel of NVC Marketing & Strategic Communications who were on a cross-college committee – Task Force on Strategies for Student Parent Success. Additionally Shawn Harward of NVC MarComm helped to create the webpage. 

Please also share the website link with students who are parents. 

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