Math Orientation Helps Students
The Title V Project Math Paths (PMP) Team offered a second successful MATH 1414 Orientation for fall 2017.
This orientation was initiated by Anna Harwin (Math faculty), because of low success rates for STEM students enrolled in MATH 1414. The orientation was conducted from Aug. 22 through Aug. 23 and was staffed by both Math faculty and Student Success team members.
About 370 students participated in the Orientation; and 121 students agreed to change their math course to a course more accurately reflecting their major, academic preparedness, and transfer institution. Additionally, many students chose to move into MATH 0320 as a precursor or chose Ready, Set, Go (RSG) MATH 1414 courses which include a four-week review at the beginning of the semester to help prepare students for the academic rigor of MATH 1414.
This event, along with other PMP initiatives, have helped countless students find the Math pathway that is the best fit for their career. Kudos to the Title V Faculty team; their work has been instrumental in terms of advising at Vista Central, New Student Orientations, classrooms, etc. A big thanks goes out to everyone who volunteered during the 1414 Orientation. It was amazingly organized and demonstrated outstanding service to our
NVC Employees Present at Upcoming Conferece
Northwest Vista College and Alamo Colleges District will be well represented at the annual Two Year First Year (TYFY) conference in San Antonio, Sept. 20-22.
NVC, along with San Antonio College, submitted four proposals, all of which were accepted. Below are the proposal titles and presenter information.
- Curricular Integration of Career Assessment in First Year Experience Courses (Dr. Steven Rodriguez, Assistant Professor, NVC)
- Second Time Around: Developing Student Success through Collaborative Connections (Dr. Adrianna Sherman, Assistant Professor NVC and Angela Cavazos, Advising Team Lead, NVC)
- inFUSEing Information Literacy into the Freshman Seminar (Denise Tolan, Associate Professor, NVC; Amanda Gorrell, Public Services Librarian; and, Gary Bowling, Director of Student Success, NVC)
- Starting Out Right: A Framework for Success (Emma Mendiola, Associate Professor, SAC and Gary Bowling, Director of Student Success, NVC)
TYFY is a national organization of two-year college professionals whose mission “is to promote excellence by championing the implementation of best practices that enrich the first year journey at two year institutions.”