Hardworking Team!

About Laura Alvarez and her team

Laura Alvarez has a hardworking team that is always willing to go that extra mile. I know that their job can be  physically intense however, they always manage to do what is needed with a positive attitude.

My team has noted that her team takes great pride in their role at our college and they work very well together to complete their goals. Yesterday, Dustyn Taylor, Clifford Wallace and Lorin Rodriguez moved several pieces of large furniture from the portables to Huisache Hall.

We would like to thank them for being so kind and working really hard; it must have taken a lot for them to move so many items in this 100 degree weather. My team and I were very impressed and have much respect for their professionalism, hard work, and willingness to help. I am sure that there are many other people at our college that feel the same way about them.

Marie Morgan
NVC Director of Student Life 

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