Grow with Google Grant Helps Students Enhance Career Readiness Skills

Northwest Vista College has received a Grow with Google – HSI Career Readiness Program micro-grant from the Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities. NVC was one of 35 Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) invited to apply.

The micro-grant, which is expected to impact approximately 700 Northwest Vista College (NVC) students per academic semester, includes an initial flat grant of $25,000 to fund program operation and training costs for the first semester of the program. Upon evaluation, NVC could be eligible for an additional $25,000 for the second semester.

Grow with Google (GwG) is a program of semester-long virtual and in-person workshops, video lessons, tutorials, and projects that provide development opportunities, professional brand training, and digital skills that can help NVC students and recent alumni when searching for internships, fellowships, or jobs.

“The Grow with Google micro-grant is an opportunity for Northwest Vista College students to learn critical professional and digital skills needed in today’s workplace,” said Dean for Student Success Jennifer Comedy-Holmes. “This grant will impact hundreds of students, and has the potential to multiply the following semester.”

NVC GwG training is structured in Five Pathways that students will access online using personal devices, laptops, or in the NVC library and open labs.

Each pathway includes a set of core lessons that need to be completed successfully, as well as optional extended learning within the topics. Students will receive incentives for completing the modules.

The Five Pathways are:

  1. Build Your Digital Skills
    • Students explore a variety of Google digital tools to help them increase productivity in the workplace and in everyday life.
  2. Explore Career Paths
    • Students research possible career paths to figure out which career might be right for them. Then, they create a career plan and start networking to help them find a job in their chosen field.
  3. Land a Great Job
    • Students use digital tools to search for a job, write a resume and cover letter, and learn how to stand out in interviews while conveying their personal brand.
  4. Success at Your New Job
    • Students practice running efficient meetings, managing projects, and presenting to organizational stakeholders.
  5. Start Your Own Business
    • Students research business opportunities, write a business plan, and estimate the financing they’ll need to create their own business.

Along with NVC, the other four colleges of the Alamo Colleges District, Northeast Lakeview College, Palo Alto College, St. Philip’s College, and San Antonio College, have also received Grow with Google grants.

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