Get Ready for Employee Development Day Oct. 29

Registration Now Open for This Year’s Employee Development Day! Discovering Your Path To Well-Being

This Employee Development Day, we’ll be offering diverse and holistic well-being opportunities for all employees to enjoy!

Employee Development Day 2021
Date: Friday, October 29
Time: 8:00 a.m. –  5:00 p.m.

Register for Keynote and Sessions Below!

Stretching + Flexibility with Daniel Johnson  Sponsored by NVC
In this session, participants will learn and actively participate in several stretching exercises by standing, lying on the floor, squatting and kneeling. Loose clothes and water are recommended.
Move Over Cozy Books  –  Here Comes Cozy Video Games! – Sponsored by NVC
Join us as we discuss what makes a cozy game, show what games we’ve been playing and share resources freely available to our community for those who want to learn more about gaming and wellness.
Open Discussion Forum on Equitable Wellness with your Executive Staff Senate
Join us to discuss opportunities for growth, challenges faced by staff, and how we can better support employees and increase overall wellness.
United Faculty Senate Faculty Lounge
The UFS Faculty Lounge will be an informal space for faculty to mingle and discuss the topics covered throughout the day. Come and connect with one another, support one another, and learn from one another.

Advocacy Center Donation Drive
October 18 – October 29

Let’s support our College Advocacy Centers by filling their pantries with personal hygiene products. The following items are needed:

  • Full-Size Shampoo/Conditioner
  • Full-Size Body Wash/Face Wash
  • Body Wipes
  • Diapers- any size (children)
  • Diapers (adults)
  • Feminine Hygiene products
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Deodorant

Collection bins will be located at various locations at each college and DSO and will be labeled Advocacy. You can also call the Advocacy Center to make an appointment for drop off. For more information contact your College Advocacy Center:

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