What’s a Wildly Important Goal (aka WIG) if you can’t make it a bit challenging. Well for Northwest Vista College’s Student Development team, they knocked their goal out the field with their campaign of helping current students register for the spring semester.
Not only did the team smash their goal of reaching 3,500 students from an initial 3,ooo, they also surpassed their previous year’s goal by 15 percent.
The team was able to get to their target by strategically reaching 225 students per week, which included not just SDEV students, but Students with Disabilities, Veterans Centers and Career/Experiential Learning students.
The team also had a strategy of:
Working with SDEV/EDUC faculty to schedule and execute registration labs for all fall to fall and hybrid sections; culminating lab on November 17 for online/remote
Conducting weekly team and individual assignments such as specific sections to outreach
Holding weekly registration labs for sections with same meeting pattern
Organizing staffing for registration events
Preparing students for scheduled registration labs as well as other enrollment initiatives (stop, drop, enroll, etc.)