February Employee of the Month: Lisa McDaniel

Lisa McDaniel
Strategic Communications Coordinator
NVC Marketing & Strategic Communication

What her peers say anonymously: 

Lisa exemplifies many touchstones including creativity, synergy and joy. This year and last year, Lisa excelled at openness because no matter what has been presented to her, she has met the challenge and flourished as a result of it.

In 2019, the NVC Marketing & Strategic Communication department went through a restructure to meet the needs of our college/district priorities. Lisa was asked to step outside of her comfort zone by taking on the job functions of the strategic communications coordinator who works with the media, which meant that she would look for positive stories about NVC, write about them, and send them to the appropriate reporters. It also meant Lisa had to attend additional training to obtain a certificate in media training. Lisa never hesitated, for a moment, and has shown an enormous amount of flexibility while preparing for HalloVista, which attracted more than 2,200 people last year. The coordination of this college-wide event requires Lisa to collaborate with DPS, NVC Risk Management, Facilities, faculty, staff, and students.

In addition, Lisa is a master at process planning and process improvement. Furthermore, she works with faculty and staff from across the college to design brochures and flyers for the NVC Institutes. As if this wasn’t enough, Lisa finds the time to teach Speech Communication and is also the host of the NVC Employee Facebook segments. She is amazing and we love her!

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