Northwest Vista College faculty and staff members are invited to submit proposals for funding through the Faculty/Staff Innovation Grants Program of the Alamo Colleges Foundation.
The Foundation is providing a third year of $10,000 in funding to NVC. The Faculty/Staff Innovation Grant Program encourages applicants to provide new and innovative approaches to instruction and/or student co-curricular support which positively impacts student learning, persistence and/or completion.
This program will fund projects supporting the Strategic Priorities and Goals in the College Strategic Plan and/or Alamo Colleges Strategic Priorities.
Applications will be due by 5 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 27. Implementation of grant-funded projects is intended to begin in the fall. A copy of the application is attached and should be used for submission of proposals: Innovation Grant Application 2018. Applications should be submitted to NVC Innovation Grant Committee at [email protected] or to Manzanillo Hall, Room 104G. Questions can be directed to the President’s Office at 486-4900 or [email protected].
The NVC Innovation Grant Committee will be responsible for screening and selection and for determining grant amounts awarded. Proposals of up to $2,500 will be given priority consideration.
Near the end of the fall 2018 semester, Faculty/Staff Innovation Grant recipients will be required to provide a written status report of their grant-funded project. In addition, recipients will also submit a comprehensive final report to the College President no later than the end of the Spring 2019 semester.
Contributed by Lynne T. Dean, CFRE, Director of Institutional Advancement