Faculty Intervention Help High School Student Get to International Comp

Contributed by Richard T. Chamblin, Jr., B.S., M.S., D.C.
Northwest Vista College Chair – Natural & Physical Sciences

Howard Marquise (Chemistry and Water Resource Science) and J.L. Egremy (Biology) met with a local high school student that wanted to run his science fair project by some scientists before submitting his presentation.

Howard and J.L. stayed late to meet with David Zulli (and his mother Cindy), and J.L. on more than one occasion, to speak with him about his project, ask him questions, and offer constructive criticism concerning the reporting of scientific data.

We all were so impressed with David’s work, and he was amazed we would take the time to help him.  David won first place and a couple of other awards in a 32-county competition and has advanced to an international science fair in Houston. The most rewarding thing is the confidence he has gained after his hard work for last year’s science fair. I was able to sit in on one meeting and this is a very impressive young man and I was so proud how our scientist faculty were able to guide him to understanding, not only what he had already accomplished, but how to show it to the world.

We’ve asked David to present to our students and faculty for our NVC Science Festival on April 10 and 11th.

David’s mother, Cindy, wrote in an email, “The input from you all helped him make significant clarifications. So grateful to you all! David has more confidence in competing at regionals!”

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