Faculty and Students Travel to San Diego for Distinguished STEM Conference

Thanks to a STEM grant awarded a few years ago, NVC faculty Claudia Verdin Chagoya and two Northwest Vista College STEM students recently received the opportunity to travel to San Diego for the 2017 U.S. News STEM Solutions National Leadership Conference.

The news organization, according to its website, holds the conference to help craft the blueprint for building a strong and diverse STEM workforce for tomorrow. Notable speakers who were at the conference included the chairwoman of the Xerox Corp., the president of MIT, director of the NASA Johnson Space Center, president of the Museum of Science, and chairman and CEO of the Dow Chemical Company.

Claudia said this conference provided the opportunity to meet distinguished leaders in education, industry and other sectors in STEM that inspire students to continue their education in engineering. Claudia is the co-principal investigator for the CIMA-Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Program where NVC and the other Alamo Colleges are partners in.

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