Faculty Accolades – Doctoral Degrees, Conferences, Nonprofits

La reVistaDoctorate Degree

Congratulations to Northwest Vista College faculty, Corina Gonzalez-Stout. She recently received her Ph.D. this spring from the University of South Africa in Pretoria. Her Dissertation was titled, “Carnal, Vigilance, Vending Vice: Race, Gender and Sexual Commerce in Cape Town, 1868-1957.”

Pedagogy Conference

Northwest Vista College’s Dr. M. Pilar Damron recently gave a presentation at the 12th Annual Pedagogy Conference in late March. The event, hosted by Northeast Lakeview, focused on innovative teaching in all disciplines — K12 and college — as well as student service practices.  

Along with Martha Bagge presenting with Pilar, their presentation, titled: “From Emotions to Actions in Foreign Language Classrooms,” examined how most foreign language classes offer a curriculum where the emotional component is often erased from activities, resulting in a repetitive and unmotivated language setting.

They believe that the focus of foreign language classes should be precisely on encouraging students to liberate their emotions through thought-provoking readings to keep them motivated as well as engaged in social discourse.

Nonprofit to Help Domestic Violence Survivors

NVC History instructor, Barry Wolfe, and his wife Brandi Wolfe, recently created a nonprofit – the Women’s Empowerment Legal Center. The Wolfes will focus on community education and providing civil protective orders for the indigent and poor that may not have filed criminal charges in their domestic violence situations. The couple is passionate about helping survivors (not victims) of domestic violence become empowered to make a new start for themselves.

Oftentimes, those in domestic violence situations do not have affordable options for seeking legal services that allow for them to safely leave their situations. The Wolfes want to help all local domestic violence shelters and places of refuge to get the protective orders for those trying to start over. The organization will also focus on other forms of empowerment including education, financial planning, entering the workforce, and emotional well-being.

Domestic violence is a pervasive problem in San Antonio and the Wolfes have decided to face this head-on with a goal of possibly decreasing recidivism and revictimization in those choosing to become survivors. For more information about helping out with the Women’s Empowerment Legal Center, contact Brandi Wolfe at brandi@brandiwolfelaw.com

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