NVC Employee Wins Weight Loss Challenge

img_0504Congratulations to Patty Sanchez, NVC Business assistant bursar, she is one of the winners of the Alamo Colleges’ weight loss challenge. Over the course of several months, Patty lost 23 pounds and to date has lost an additional four pounds.

Patty said the district-wide challenge is just what she needed to get her motivated to lose weight. Patty said in hindsight she made her past efforts to difficult. This time, she exercised twice a week and made better food decisions. In her quest to find an exercise she likes, she found Zumba and got hooked!

Since losing the weight, Patty said her energy has increased and she may be able to get off her high-blood pressure medicine soon

Even though the Alamo Colleges challenge is over, the AlamoWell program recommends:

  1. Each college fitness center is available to EVERY Alamo Colleges employee at NO cost.
  2. Enjoy FREE Fitness in the Park Group Exercise Classes: https://www.sanantonio.gov/ParksAndRec/Programs,ClassesFun.aspx
  3. Register for the Everybody Everyday program: https://goo.gl/forms/HP6TlHXYkkhoGny92
  4. Join the AlamoWELL Wellness Community in AlamoTALENT.
  5. The YMCA offers a discount for employees of Alamo Colleges by waiving the joining fee and providing a monthly discount for membership.


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