NVC has started a campus-wide rechargeable battery recycling program (try saying that three times fast). Kicked-off at NVC’s Earth Day celebration this past April, this program recycles all rechargeable batteries that are beyond their life cycle and no longer accept a charge.
The following types of batteries can be recycled: Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd); Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH); Lithium Ion (Li-Ion); and Nickel Zinc (Ni-Zn). These batteries are most commonly found in laptop computers, battery operated power tools, cell phones and small electronic devices such as digital cameras, remote control devices, and computer accessories.
You are encouraged to utilize this program for the rechargeable batteries you use here at work and at home. Collection boxes, as well as battery recycling information, are located throughout campus for easy access and use by students, faculty, and staff.
- MZH (Reception Area)
- MPER (Facilities offices area)
- RLC-Library (Front desk area)
- CCC 126 (Student Life Office, front desk)
- MLH 135 (TLF front desk)
Drop by and drop it in!
Contributed by Sabrina Carey of College Services