Earth Day & Poem for Students

I hope you will mark your calendars to get involved in Northwest Vista College’s Earth Day activities on April 18.

The opening ceremony begins at 9 a.m. at the outdoor classroom at Live Oak Hall; it will be followed at 9:30 A.M. with landscape plantings around Live Oak.

The NVC Staff Council will be selling chicken fajita tacos, roasted corn and water starting at 11 A.M. Vocalist and acoustic guitarist Erin Sparks at 12:30.

At your leisure on the Cypress patio, there will be a variety of sales from NVC Earth Day t-shirts, plants and an alumni silent auction. Make sure to bring your old batteries to recycle and browse NVC’s Academy for Lifelong Learning annual bazaar.

Representatives from various local organizations will be here to share information about environmental initiatives. To see the full list of activities and invited guests, click here.

I hope to see you there!

Poet Shares his creativity with Students and Faculty

Last week author/poet, Joel Peckham, was at Northwest Vista to work with our students. He shared many of his poetry works in a reading in the morning and then held a writing workshop for students in the afternoon. While I found all his readings thought provoking, I was particularly touched by the last poem because it was about and for his students.

Joel has given me permission to share that work with our faculty and staff. At this very hectic time of the semester when there is too much to do, I thought it might serve as a reminder to us all of the importance of our work. Here's the link to his piece: [file 1]

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