Valerie Ortiz, a Dual Credit Spanish student at Communication Arts High School, recently was one of the winners selected for the 2022 NVC Calaveras Literarias Contest.
She won a $25 Amazon gift card from World Languages, and a gift bag with a t-shirt, a mug, and other goodies from the NVC Dual Credit office.
Valerie’s Submission – The Astronaut
Amazon got an order to the moon and they needed it soon.
Jeff Bezos said, “I’ll take it in my rocket,
Where are my keys? Oh wait, they’re in my pocket.”
He jumped on his rocket and hit the gas,
It went up and it went up fast.
He delivered the package, surprised was he, to see La Muerte standing by the moon tree.
Scared of what he saw, he threw the package and ran,
He might be a billionaire, but after all he’s still just a man.
He thought he had escaped, relieved he was, little did he know he was running out of gas.
They only fueled half way because they couldn’t afford more, he had lost $10 billion since his stock was doing so poor.
His spacecraft slowly started to stutter, and all he heard was a low little mutter.
La Muerte whispered, “I wasn’t calling for you, but you damaged my order, now you are coming with me across the border”.