Congratulations to NVC President Dr. Ric Baser, who was recently inducted into the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (USAO) Alumni Hall of Fame.
According to USAO's magazine, it said “He was once the 'voice of the Drovers' – serving as announcer at USAO basketball games. Today, you can call him 'college president,' and this year Dr. Ric Baser will be inducted into the USAO Alumni Hall of Fame. Baser, a 1979 drama graduate from USAO, will be inducted into the Hall of Fame during Alumni Homecoming Nov. 10.”
“I am overwhelmed and honored by the selection into this prestigious group of alumni,” Dr. Baser said in the magazine. “I am a proud graduate, lifetime alumni member and former employee of this institution that has been instrumental in my success and 33-year career in higher education.”
To read more of the magazine story, click here.