One of Northwest Vista College’s Strategic Action Plans is to improve digital communication with students to better reflect our commitment to student success. To accomplish this goal, we set up an innovation team to develop specific objectives and effectively measure our progress. Here are details on how digital communication will fit into the NVC Strategic Plan.
Objective III.C.1.2 – Communication – Digital Messaging
The Digital Messaging Team is charged to develop, in the context of the new NVC website and other media – such as kiosks, digital signage, Facebook and Twitter — messaging that clearly conveys a focus on student success, and to create an NVC story that speaks personally to each student, prospective student, and/or community member.
In the last few months, the team with the support of other groups and individuals from across the college, has accomplished several of the objectives and is about two-thirds of the way to accomplishing its overall goal. Here is a list of completed tasks:
- Conducted Employee Focus Groups about college messages: What messages are we sending? What messages should we be sending?
- Conducted two focus groups and a usability study with current students about the current website.
- Completed a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis of the current website.
- Created an online survey to determine student satisfaction with digital messages; segmented into groups: prospective and current students.
Over the summer, the Digital Messaging Team will create tools and helpful tips and guidelines for all web and digital media content owners so that our visual and text messages effectively communicate our mission of Creating Opportunities for Success.
Other related projects are also underway at the college and district to improving website navigation, build mobile applications and improve overall communication.
In the next few weeks, we will need your support and patience in making these projects a reality. Our goal is to roll out each of these initiatives and complete the project by the end of October. We will publish more information as it becomes available. If you have any questions, you may want to talk with one of the Digital Messaging Team members:
- Lydia Beaver (E-Team, President’s Office)
- Barbara Griest-Devora (English faculty)
- Cathy Gonzalez (Student Success, CaTS Center)
- Bob Kemmerer (Information and Communication Technology)
- Steven Kolnes (Teaching and Learning Facilitator, student)
- Chris Maddox (Workforce Education and Training) – digital messaging team facilitator
- Jack Robbins (Art faculty)
- Renata Serafin (Public Relations) – digital messaging team leader