Create Light for Others

As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.”

–  By Mary Ann Radmacher

We’re approaching the final three weeks of our Employee Giving Campaign. This year, our goal is to achieve a 35 percent participation rate from our employees. You’ve heard it before that it’s not how much you give, but that you give.

About 38 percent of our students are on financial aid and there are many more students who need your help. The money you give may help a single parent or a student who lost a job or may have a hard time keeping a job with added school responsibilities. As Mother Theresa says, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Let that one be one of our students!

You have several choices when it comes to giving through the Employee Giving Campaign.  You can make one-time payment or select payroll deductions. You can give to NVC scholarships or to the United Way which supports numerous organizations in our community that may further support our students and their families. Or you can give to San Antonio’s United Arts Fund, called “theFund,” which provides funding to arts programs in the city.

Last year, NVC had the fourth best participation rate in the district at 26.8 percent. Northeast Lakeview, San Antonio College and the District office all surpassed the giving rate at NVC. We would like to have the highest giving rates this year.

Personally, I am matching  donations to theFund for October. Former NVC dean of Library Resources Christine Crowley is matching donations to:

  • Anthony Chalkley Endowed Scholarship for students in  Developmental Math
  • Ashley Lynn Degerstrom Endowed Scholarship for students wishing to teach
  • Vista Dash for Dollars Kinesiology Scholarship

To donate to the Employee Giving Back campaign, you can use a paper form available in Manzanillo Hall, 104G or log-on to

  • Campaign code: Alamo Colleges
  • User name: jdoe12 (your email name excluding “”)
  • Password: GIVEXXXX (GIVE in all caps and last 4 numbers of your Banner ID)

Thanks for your gift.

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