COVID-Related Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will NVC Courses be held on campus or remotely for fall 2020?

All NVC courses will be held remotely during the fall 2020 semester.

Will NVC students be allowed on campus?

Not without an appointment and for specific purposes, such as an appointment with a Student Success employee. NVC students will work remotely in a synchronous environment meaning that classes will be held at a designated time via computer or personal device. Students are expected to attend courses via remote environment (Zoom) and Canvas and complete all of their work remotely to succeed in their classes, as designated by their instructor.

Will employees be allowed on campus?

NVC employees, except employees provided an on-site working assignment, will work remotely and will not have access to the campus. Limiting and tracking access is critical to several key functions during this time, including but not limited to the following.

  • Space planning and scheduling
  • Occupancy level planning and monitoring
  • Health screening planning, monitoring and verification
  • Schedule and roster verification
  • PPE distribution and supply management
  • Cleaning/disinfecting supply distribution and supply management
  • Vendor cleaning and disinfecting schedules
  • Access permission and scheduling
  • Access reporting review
  • Exposure identification and response
  • Close contact identification and response
  • Facial mask are required. See link

Will Student Success Services (Admissions, Advising, Records, Counseling, Disability Services, Financial Aid, Testing, Bursar, Student Advocacy, Veterans Services, Student Activities) be offered on campus?

Student Success will continue serving our students through predominantly remote operations.  The plan includes offering limited services, on campus by appointment only, on Mondays and Thursday between the hours of 8 am – 5pm. The Student Success operations plan will be shared as the plan is finalized.

If I need access to campus to obtain supplies or materials to continue remote operations during the fall 2020 semester, what is the process?

The NVC Return Home Task Force is evaluating a process to assign specific limited timeframes for employees to access NVC facilities to obtain supplies or materials. The plans and dates are not finalized because the task force continues to assess the COVID-19 San Antonio Progress and Warning Indicators to evaluate the risk and appropriate procedures associated with bringing employees to campus. Considerations include and are not limited to the following.

  • Scheduling considering building and room occupancy levels and social distancing standards
  • PPE availability
  • Health screening and temperature check coverage and training
  • Disinfecting plans

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