Cosmic Art Night a Hit with Employees & Community

The Northwest Vista College Fine Arts department hosted “Cosmic Art Night” last Friday, March 3. It is estimated that around 300 people participated in the event from diverse areas of the NVC community.

We collaboratively constructed a giant, glowing wood and woven plastic sculpture inspired by adjunct instructor Katie Pell. We also had a blast throwing luminescent clay on the potter’s wheel, or working it into fantastical animals, and glowing clay figures under the instruction of Paul Northway, Diana Kersey, and studio technician Allysha Farmer.

Finally, instructors Rachel Bowers and Jack Robbins reported that the line for screen-printing glow-in-the-dark wildcats never let up the entire night, resulting in over 300 prints on paper and t-shirts!

A NVC student who attended the event informed her art appreciation instructor that: “I liked that it was dark, not just for the glowing clay, but I felt like I could let loose and make a crazy sculpture because no one could really see what I was making but me.”

The Fine Arts department could not have pulled this off without the help from Rey Cardenas, who helped with the UV lighting, coordinating publicity, and directing traffic during a busy night at the Performing Arts Center. If you missed it, look for it happening again in the Fall!

Contributed by Diana Kersey, Instructor, NVC Fine and Performing Arts and Kinesiology 

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