College Exercise Class Transforms Students

Kinsanity – A new fitness craze is taking over San Antonio – well just Northwest Vista College and the focus is to help students and their friends and families learn about nutrition to make body transformations.

Over the last several years, Northwest Vista College instructor Leland Hammonds II has taken his Concepts of Physical Fitness to a whole new level from just lectures and exercising. In this class, students can see true transformations.

In fact, over the last four semesters, over 600 pounds of body composition change has occurred, which includes gaining muscle or losing weight and fat. And it’s not just students in the class. His students have to eventually find a partner which not only keeps them accountable but results in others outside of the class seeing positive results in their own bodies.

Recently in a class where students learned the essentials of making a healthy smoothie, he stressed fad diets or crazy workouts aren’t the key to weight loss long term. His energetic lecture had the students engaged with him, wanting to learn more and having “aha” moments about what they thought about health.

“The clearer something is, the easier it is to follow. Don’t count calories but be mindful of them and portion sizes. By Spring Break, everyone should have a list of the foods that you like and will help you reach your goals,” said Leland who has a master’s degree in Kinesiology from the University of Texas Permian Basin and has coached people on health and wellness for the last 20 years in his personal fitness business.

Leland even trademarked the term “Kinsanity” Body Transformation program. Leland said the term Kinsanity means doing kinesiology the sane way.

His simple approach for students and clients is one that is also supported by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Its theme for National Nutrition Month in March is “Put Your Best Fork Forward,” which serves as a reminder that each one of us holds the tool to make healthier food choices.

Leland also utilizes social media to engage students and help them to make healthier choices. All of his readings, videos and assignment links are given out via Twitter. Just following Leland at @ProfessorLeland can be addicting. There’s a ton of helpful tips, meal planning photos and success stories on his Twitter feed. Also on his Instagram account (lelandhammonds), there are more photos of former and present students taking tracking their fitness goals.

For instance, Mathew Sosa said on Twitter that “It doesn’t matter the amount of calories you take in it’s the type of nutrition you take in. Are you giving your body the right fuel?”

And Ignacio, who follows Leland on Twitter, said he got his mom to do some of the Kinsanity workouts that Leland gives to his class that combines short bouts of cardio and strength training.

“Not only are the students interacting in a very cool and sincere way, but they invite friends and family members that want to live a healthier life to follow along with the class in real time,” Leland adds. “We have some awesome success stories of friends, siblings, parents etc. who have lost tons of weight and they aren’t even in the class, they just follow along on social media.”

While many students in Leland’s class are hoping to earn an Association of Arts with a Concentration in Kinesiology from Northwest Vista College, a part of the Alamo Colleges District, they find they get much more from the class.

One student said online, “I learned a lot more than I expected from an exercise class. Goal setting for one, finding your passion, finances … to name a few. I have finally learned how to lose weight, know what to eat and how to exercise.”

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