Celebrating WIG Achievements

Northwest Vista College recently held a Goals Achievement Summit on Feb. 15 to celebrate many areas that were successful in their Wildly Important Goals or WIGs.

Different departments displayed their WIG boards and even one area dressed up in graduation gowns to represent their efforts.

NVC President Dr. Ric Baser said one of the over arching goals for the college this year is to achieve 3,529 student who receive an associate degree and certificate. Last year’s goal was 3,263 students.

To see more of NVC’s goals, see: Final 2018 4DX Summit PowerPoint (002)[1].

Speakers at the event included Sharon Dresser of the NVC Access Office who talked about her area’s WIG which was to review 120 access students graduation plans by Dec. 22, 2017.

Also Joy Qiaoying of the NVC Math & Engineering area also presented on her team’s WIG of increasing enrollment in math requisite for graduation and engineering courses. Their goal was to advise five students per faculty/staff member per week through in-class or post class advising activity.

Cynthia Rosas of the NVC IT area talked about her team’s WIG which was to bring awareness of the IT Services Catalog to 30 individuals and or groups by June 8, 2018. Each week, a team member will reach out to one individual or group to share the information.

The winning WIG board came from Russell Frohardt, Ph.D., who is dean of NVC Arts & Sciences. His team was to have 95 percent of all documents submitted to the dean’s office processed within 48 hours.

To accomplish their goal, they implemented a record process of when the document (release time request, course approvals, hiring packets, payroll adjustments, etc.) was received by the department and when the document was forwarded to the next step in processing. They regularly recorded the entries into an agenda and would write the number of documents each individual processed on their WIG board for the corresponding week.


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