Celebrating Our Students at Graduation

For each of the last three years, I have made my request to faculty and staff to participate or volunteer to help with the commencement ceremony. Trust me, it’s not just because I want to give you something extra to do.

Honestly, graduation is an opportunity for us to show our support and for us to see our students excited about achieving their goals. And this year, we are expecting a VERY LARGE, if not our largest graduating class. You are sure to see the smiles, gratitude and tears in our student’s eyes knowing they were successful in navigating the numerous college processes, they were able to get through some very challenging courses, and discovered that their NVC educational experience has broadened their aspirations and brightened their futures.

If you haven’t attended a NVC commencement ceremony, you really do not know what you’re missing! Volunteers and Student Success staff are cheering on the students behind the stage as they enter the auditorium and the crowd erupts in applause. Then our faculty and staff, dressed in their academic regalia, join the students in processional. This part of the ceremony represents what we do every day – our staff working behind the scenes to enhance the student’s success and our faculty working in front of the house to guide their students to completion, transfer and the workforce.

Every year we identify a team of people under the guidance of Lisa McGoldrick to plan the complex event, coordinate the volunteersand make improvements based on your feedback from previous commencement ceremonies. Based on recommendations following the 2017 commencement, the focus will be on our graduates as we feature one of our graduates as the keynote speaker.

Richard Plumlee graduated in 2012 and now works in management at the San Antonio Food Bank. He says NVC put him on the path that prepared him to complete a bachelor’s degree from UTSA, get a fulfilling job and receive promotions. In addition, we are going to have video testimonials from several of our students, such as NVC SGA President Carlo Nicolas Garcia, who has maintained two jobs, carries a full-time course load, is still actively engaged in student organizations and volunteers on the weekends. Nicole Hernandez will be telling students how she remembers attending new student orientation and thinking how was she ever going to get through this. These are just some of the many improvements that have been made in response to your recommendations in the hopes of giving everyone – including our faculty and staff – a memorable experience.

I hope to see you there. If you would like to volunteer for graduation, go to link.



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