Bullying in the Workplace

14517646_1852190858347712_5449422806327064660_nWorkplace bullying is quite common. Thirty-five percent of the workforce feels bullied, and 45 percent of university employees witness bullying.

These were some of the many statistics and discussions that took place at the two training workshops targeting workplace bullying. These workshops were brought to Alamo Colleges employees thanks to Alamo Colleges Human Resources and Alamo Colleges United Staff Council.

The two speakers at the workshops were Leah P. Hollis, EDD, author of “Bully in the Ivory Tower,” and Catherine Mattice of Civility Partners, a consulting service dedicated to eradicating workplace bullying.

14567987_1852190881681043_3190535115274571448_nJust recently Alamo Colleges included a bully-free policy in its procedures that reads: “Alamo Colleges defines bullying as repeated and/or severe aggressive behavior, either direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or others, at the place of work or on campus and /or in the course of employment, education or student activities which is likely to intimidate or hurt, control or diminish another person whether or not on the basis of protected criteria.” For more information, refer to (H.1.2.3) procedure.

From Dr. Hollis’ presentation, she said bullying costs employers $64 billion annually which appears in turnover, employee absenteeism, discouragement and low productivity. Additionally she said 62 percent of employees have reported being effected by workplace bullying in the last 18 months.

In the second presentation, Mattice said that bullying behavior can be categorized in three buckets of aggressive communication, humiliation and manipulation. However she added bullying is not disagreeing with employees and perceived incompatible goals. When organizations or departments can achieve a positive work environments, then the the results are engaged, motivated and loyal employees.

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