As you are probably already aware, Blackboard Vista will no longer be available after Dec. 31, 2012. Therefore, it is imperative that all faculty complete the Canvas training and migrate into Canvas all Blackboard Vista content that you wish to save before the end of this semester.
- Your login username is the same as your ACES ID (ex. jsmith123). Your password is also the same as your ACES ID (ex. jsmith123).
- If you have started the training, please complete it as soon as you can. Most participants report that the whole course took only a couple of hours to complete. The entire course content will remain available to you after you have completed the training, so you may wish to go through the course quickly at first and return to the content you need later.
- If you have completed the training, please be sure to submit your feedback at the end of the course. If you have already submitted your feedback, thank you!
Migration instructions are also available on the page titled “Migrating a BBV Course” in the second module of the Intro to Canvas – Faculty course, and they are linked in SharePoint and in the NVC Distance Learning website – Faculty Resources.
Here are answers to most commonly-asked question:
Q: What is the password needed to migrate BBV content into Canvas? (NOTE: This is a different password than the one you use to access Canvas; it is the “back door” password to BBV.)
A: It is the first two letters of your last name in CAPITALS followed by your birthdate in MMDDYY format (example: SM120161)
Once you have copied a BBV course into a Canvas course and made any edits or changes you wish, you may then copy from Canvas to Canvas.
Please be proactive with training and migrations; the Blackboard Vista system will not be available after the contract expires at the end of this year. Training takes only a few hours, and migration takes only a few minutes. If you need help, email [email protected].
Contributed by Laura Lawrence
Director of NVC Instructional and Professional Development
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