Area Employers Talk About Careers and Hiring

“Every employer is looking for a good fit. An interview is really a two-way street,” says Steve Johnson, owner of College Nannies, Sitters and Tutors. He adds, “just because you didn’t get the job doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.”

Kenny Vallespin, human resources partner for The Bank of San Antonio recommends asking the interviewer if he or she believes you are a good fit for the position.

The two employers were participants in a two-day Career Fair and Speaker Panel event held recently in Pecan Hall. Collaborating on the event were the NVC Business Council, Career and Transfer Services Center and Business Student Organization.

In a discussion on the topic “Secrets to Success in Getting Hired”, panelists addressed two groups of students and provided tips on personal networking, building a resume and the dos and don’ts of interviewing,

Participants on this panel included Carolyn Sartori, vice president, GM Financial; Steve Johnson, owner of College Nannies, Sitters and Tutors; Jeremy Pancoast, director of entertainment services, SeaWorld San Antonio; and Kenny Vallespin, human resources partner, The Bank of San Antonio, all members of the NVC Business Council.

One of the most important secrets to success is getting connected, panelists agreed. When questioned about navigating the hurdle of “having no experience”, one panelist noted that her company doesn’t necessarily look for people with experience.

“We’re looking for people with a positive attitude,” Ms. Sartori said.
The speaker panel topic for the second day of the event was “Resumes, Interviews and Getting the Job You Really Want”. Panelists included Dana Reeder, CO and founder, Reeder Consulting: College & Career Paths; Steve Johnson; and Jeff Miller, investment banking risk vice president, Chase.

Participants described their experiences in good and bad job interviews and emphasized that interviewees should dress appropriately for the interview. “Don’t come into our office looking like it’s Friday night and you’re going out,” says Johnson.

And, panelists recommended bringing a copy of your resumes to the interview. “Resumes should be customized for the job for which you are applying. And include leadership experience, part-time jobs,” says Johnson

Employers participating in the Career Fair included Nationwide, GM Financial, College Nannies, Sitters and Tutors and Chase Bank.

Ralph Mendez, NVC accounting faculty, introduced the session and Andrew Gonzalez, president of the BSO, served as moderator. Both thanked panelists for sharing their information and experiences. “It’s really important for students to hear from someone other than their instructors.”

Speaker panels and presentations such as these are a special project of the NVC Business Council, a membership organization which actively seeks partnerships and collaborations with businesses and their leadership for NVC and the students we serve.

Contributed by Lynne T. Dean, director of Institutional Advancement at NVC.

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