Anthony Coppin Retires

Employees and staff came from across the college on Dec. 5 to wish Anthony Coppin a happy retirement in which he will embark on after this semester. Along with employees, Anthony's family were a part of the get together at Manzanillo Hall. 

Many of Anthony's colleagues shared how much Anthony meant to them as a mentor, colleague and friend. It was said that many of the math classes taught at NVC had Anthony's imprint because he mentored other math teachers on how to be successful in the classroom. Many of his colleagues also  nicknamed him “St. Anthony” for his patience in tutoring and mentoring math students.

Anthony won many teaching awards, including the Minnie Stephens Piper Award twice and the NVC STAR award.

A student previously said this about Anthony:

“I took my developmental math courses with him and continued onto business calculus this semester. Mr. Coppin makes sure that each student in his class feels great and is treated like an individual. His method of teaching encourages me and my fellow classmates to not only learn and study, but teach each others along the way. I can honestly say, I have never been in such a community driven class and am both surprised and delighted to recognize this characteristic in a math course,” from a student.”
Here's a link to the slide show that was shown at Anthony's party: 

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