An Eco-Logical Moment

[image 1]An Eco-Logical Moment

Bottled Water — Did you know that only 23 percent of the water bottles that Americans use are ever recycled. This means that 38 billion water bottles are filling up landfills instead of being reused and it takes 1,000 years before a plastic water bottle will even begin to start decomposing.

Recycled water bottles can become carpet, clothing, new bottles, car parts, electronic parts, but this only marginally helps cut down the amount of resources needed to make packaging products such as water bottles. So you may be wondering, well if recycling only partially addresses the problem, what else can I do then to make a difference? Glad you asked!…you can decrease your consumption of bottled water. Try to buy fewer water bottles, because in many cases, tap water is just as clean or cleaner than bottled water.

[image 2]Also, use a refillable and reusable water bottle to carry with you. NVC has installed a refillable water bottle station in Huisache Hall near the stairwell, providing faculty, staff and students with filtered water.  B.Y.O.B.G.I.T–Bring your own bottle and give it a try!

Natural Mosquito Repellent — Summer is here and in Texas that means two things: extremely hot weather and blood-thirsty mosquitoes! I have no words of wisdom to help you cope with the unbearable heat, but I can suggest some natural remedies to repel mosquitoes (and gnats). Orange peels, yep, you heard right, orange peels!

Mosquitoes do not like the citrus in orange peels (lemon peels work for this too). So, next time you want to be outside, but the mosquitoes are making any outdoor activity impossible to enjoy, simply peel an orange and then rub the orange peels on your exposed skin. You will experience relief from the insatiable pesky mosquitoes and smell “citrusy” fresh.  Orange peels are good to sprinkle on the ground around your outdoor seating area to deter mosquitoes and gnats, too. Although there probably aren’t many of you who enjoy peeling and eating a lemon, you can use lemon peels in the same way to deter these pesky summer bugs. Orange you glad you read this!!!

By NVC staff member Sabrina Carey

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