NVC Programs Chosen in Participatory Budgeting Initiative

Three Northwest Vista College programs are a part of 13 winners to receive funding up to $25,000 for innovative ideas through Alamo Colleges’ new Participatory Budgeting process.

Participatory Budgeting allows members of an organization to directly decide how to spend funds. The Alamo Colleges District designated $250,000 for projects that were voted on by faculty and staff. Over the last several months, colleagues throughout the Alamo Colleges District brainstormed and proposed ideas to enhance how we serve our students and our community. Through the process, more than 1,700 votes from the Alamo Colleges District family decided which ideas should be turned into action.

NVC’s projects are:

  • NVC Recruiting Diverse Students and Engaging the Community Through Micro-Credentialing, Digital Badges, Marketable Skills, and Experiential Learning ($25,000)

  • NVC Mind, Body and Spirit: Reducing Student Stress, Building Confidence ($24,495)

  • NVC Mobile Tutoring ($13,705)

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