NVC Advocacy Published in National Publication

Congratulations to Lisa Black, director of the Northwest Vista College Advocacy Team.

Lisa and Zach Taylor, Ph.D, of the Trellis Company, authored an article titled,”The COVID Effect: How Community College Student Emergency Aid Needs Changed After the COVID-19 Global Pandemic,” for the Teachers College Record.

Teachers College Record is a journal of research, analysis, and commentary in the field of education. It has been published continuously since 1900 by Teachers College, Columbia University.

Lisa said this article is the first of several publications that are paired with national presentations as we share with other colleges that are contemplating how best to serve students who are not intellectually different but struggle due to the social difference and disparity created by poverty. In particular, we find that this impact is far greater for students of color. This was clearly demonstrated in the early days of the pandemic through a national survey conducted by HopeLab researchers which showed a 19 percentage point difference in the impact of COVID19 between white and Black students.

Lisa added the article, “highlights the assessment and case management best practices. Aligning with the student’s voice is a critical element of the frame of this model. Relational poverty theory insists that we embrace the idea that poverty in the way that students experience it is unique to each student. In the same way that poverty is not caused from character flaws, lack of hard work or bad financial decisions, its impact should also not be assumed. We share the importance of assessment practices that honor the holistic needs of the student. We highlight the Student Advocacy Center’s streamlined single-door entry for students needing mental health support or case management. We also share what that assessment data demonstrates about student need in the days following the emerging crisis of COVID19.”


Here’s an excerpt of the article:

The COVID-19 global pandemic fundamentally changed how colleges assess and distribute emergency aid to college students. As a result, this study reports on 302 community college students’ emergency aid requests in the months before and after the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Results suggest that housing needs increased by 46% and utilities needs increased by 40%, while food needs increased by only 3% postpandemic. Moreover, data reveal that housing and utility needs were most correlated prepandemic (.77) and postpandemic (.56), while tests revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had the greatest impact on increased housing insecurity (d = 1.10) but no impact on food insecurity (d = 0.06). Implications for college emergency services, emergency aid, and research into food and housing insecurity are addressed.

To read the full article go here.

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