NVC Org Learning Fall Lineup

NVC Org Learning is pursuing multiple strategies this fall to support employee development. For the open enrollment classes available to all full and part-time employees, we're seeking to provide a variety of topics in more accessible locations and hours.

September schedule: You'll find a fun “HR Jeopardy” lunch & learn to review HR policies in Lago Vista on Sept. 23. There will be an “Understanding Your TRS Benefits” session on  Sept. 27. We'll have a four-part “Crucial Conversations Book Review” right in the middle of campus in Juniper Hall beginning  Sept. 16.

Other September classes: “Running Effective Meetings” lunch & learn in Redbud on  Sept. 20, “What's Your EQ?” on  Sept. 25, and a “Give 'em the Pickle” basics of customer service on  Sept. 11. And don't forget the on-going Zumba classes on T-Th at 12:20pm, Rosetta Stone language learning, and the Lynda.com software learning tool.

Go to AlamoLearn for more information and to register for any of these classes. We'll update you on the October schedule near the end of the month. Watch for developments in Microsoft Office training, safety procedures, and additional wellness classes and book reviews.

Another strategy for addressing employee development needs has been meeting with multiple departments on campus to seek ways to take training programs directly into your departments. We look forward to the opportunities that have already been identified in bringing customer service, interpersonal skills and other training directly to the departments.

We also continue to encourage registering for District Org Learning offerings such as Leading Across Generations, the 2-day Crucial Conversations workshop, and the Covey 5 Choices time management workshop. And watch for more information on the AlamoLeads initiative involving 7-Habits training.

For questions, comments and suggestions for NVC Org Learning, contact Jim Lievens at 486-4380.

Contributed by Org Learning's Jim Lievens

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