Vision & Values & Parking Update

[image 1]Per my convocation announcement, there are some changes related to Vision and Values.
Moving forward, all Alamo Colleges will operate under the Alamo Colleges Vision Statement:

“The Alamo Colleges will be the best in the nation in student success and performance excellence.”

In addition, all Alamo Colleges will adopt these six shared values:

  • Students First
  • Respect for All
  • Collaboration
  • Community Engaged
  • ‘Can Do’ Spirit
  • Data Informed

[image 2]As you will note four of the six new values come directly from the four foundations of the Northwest Vista College culture. I am pleased to know that these tenets have become an integral of the new Alamo Colleges Shared Values.

The question I raised in our convocation this morning was, “What do we want to do about our current Northwest Vista Values and our current Vision?”

I would like to hear from you if you have ideas on the subject. In fact, I have already heard from two folks with great ideas. To continue the dialogue, I am also scheduling two special Java sessions on Monday, Sept. 9, one from 8:30 to 10 a.m. in Huisache 113 and another from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in Live Oak 202.

Plan on attending one of those sessions, and/or send me your ideas on e-mail. I will be compiling the feedback I receive by mail and individual conversations to share in the Java sessions. I look forward to our dialogues together.      

Parking Update

As we embark on another semester, we also have some new challenges this semester – incorporating our new parking garage.

The new NVC parking garage, named Prickly Pear, is officially open for employees and students. However, you will still see construction on the top floor. Hopefully, all will be completed in early October. Meanwhile, we will continue having a couple of shuttle buses available for transportation to and from the SeaWorld San Antonio lot on Military Drive near Loop 1604 for additional parking.

While both employees and students will eventually have to pay $1 to park in the garage (per use), this fee won’t go into effect until later this semester when all related mechanisms are in place and tested. 

You will also need to get your parking permit, which will be mailed to you once you complete the necessary information on-line. To request your parking permit, please see the instructions below that were also sent to your email.

I also have attached a video link (here) that will give you more details on parking. Happy parking!


Employee Parking: Academic Year 2014

Employees who park at the Alamo Colleges are required to display a permanent parking decal. The deadline to request a parking decal is Tuesday, September 3, 2013.

The Alamo Colleges Police Department will begin issuing parking citations on October 1, 2013.

To Request Your parking Permit:

Note: If requesting a handicapped or disabled veteran’s permit, do not use ACES. See “Additional Info” below.

  • · Log in to ACES.
  • · Click on the ‘Employee’ tab.
  • · Then click ‘Web Services’
  • · Click ‘Employee’
  • · On the Employee screen, click ‘Employee Parking’
  • · Fill out the info requested on the ‘Employee Parking’ screen.
  • · Click ‘Submit’. Your permit will be mailed to the address displayed on the screen.

Additional Info:

Handicapped & Disabled Veterans Parking

Employees who have a disabled license plate, disabled veterans license plate or placards are required to display an Alamo Colleges parking permit. These permits will be issued at no charge. The permits can be obtained by following the instructions on the Employee Parking web-page under the heading “Handicapped & Disabled Veterans Parking”. To visit the page, CLICK HERE.

Employees who are also students

Employees who are also students (except work studies) are required to purchase an employee parking permit. This will allow you to park in designated ‘employee parking only’ areas, and pay for the parking via pre-tax payroll deduction.

  • · If you have not paid your Fall 2013 tuition: Visit your college business office and they will remove the $25 campus access fee from your bill.
  • · If you have already paid your Fall 2013 tuition: Visit your college business office and they will refund the $25 campus access fee to you.

Employees With More Than One Vehicle

Employees can request up to two permits at no additional charge. To do so, fill out the ‘Vehicle 2’ information on the ‘Employee Parking’ screen when requesting your permit through ACES.


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