Return to Work Task Force

Northwest Vista College has established a Return Home Task Force, co-chaired by Garvin Dansby and Erin Sherman, that is developing a phased-in approach to resuming instruction, support, and operations on site.

The task force is comprised of individuals representing Risk Management, College Services (Information and Communication Technologies, Finance and Purchasing, and Resource Management), Alamo Colleges Police Department, Facilities, Academic Success, Student Success, and Communications.

The team is conducting risk assessments, evaluating building and room capacities, and gauging required resources before determining when and to what extent NVC will resume operations on campus. The return will be conducted on a multi-tier phased-in process to ensure facilities and resources are available to support varying operating levels. Several components are being considered by the team, including physical spaces, personal protective equipment, faculty transition, staff transition, student transition, emergency management and response, budget and fiscal impact, technology support, housekeeping and disinfecting, training, and much more.

The NVC Return to Home Task Force is developing a plan specific to the needs, resources and environment of NVC. The work of the team is informed by the collaborative efforts of the District Incident Command Team, which includes NVC representatives. The target timeline for the NVC task force to provide recommendations to the NVC Cabinet is June 9.

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