Chicano/a Studies Conference Coming to NVC

Thanks to June Pedraza, Ph.D., NVC English coordinator, Northwest Vista College will be the host for the 2014 NACCS' Tejas Foco conference, titled “Chican@ Studies in Texas: Surviving and Thriving in our Communities.”

Just recently, June participated at the NACCS Tejas 2013 Conference “Chican@ Studies ¡Ahora!” in Edinburg, Texas. Her discussion topic was titled “Mexican American Studies and the Texas Community College.” NACCS stands for the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies.

In addition, June sat on the NACCS national board committee that worked on the 2013 National Conference “Advancing from Sea to Shining ¡Sí! :Learning from our Past, Defending our Rights in the 21st Century,” which will be held in San Antonio on March 20-23 of this year.

NACCS is as an organization that encourages research that promotes a critical and reaffirming idea about the political actualization of Chicanas/os. NACCS stages an annual national conference, which attracts 800 to 1,500 participants to listen to over 85 presenters on a variety of topics that affect the Chicana/o community.

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